Our vision

AES is fundamentally transforming waste management, paving the way for a world without waste and with maximum resource efficiency.
CO2 saved by 2050
> 0 kt

This corresponds to a 2.5% reduction in annual greenhouse gas emissions in the waste management sector.

plastic burned in 2050
0 kt/a

This corresponds to 8% of all plastic waste incinerated in the EU.

No Data Found

We save waste from incineration and close the recycling gap for waste that cannot be mechanically recycled.

The most sustainable solution

Europe-wide systems

Close to the waste

From the idea to innovation

December 2019


It was already clear during his studies that the recycling of plastic urgently needed to be revolutionized. A precise plan is formed from many ideas, which leads to the founding of the company. The vision: to promote recycling and strengthen sustainability in the plastics industry.

Recycling von gemischten Kunststoffen, AES Autonome Energiesysteme

October 2020

First funding and development of demonstrator

AES secures its first financing and invests in development. After several laboratory-scale systems, the first demonstrator is built.


Pilot plant at 3DComposite

After the demonstrator, the first functional pilot plant is built in a container at 3DComposite, where the first oil is produced. The foundation stone for further developments is laid.

May 2023

Relocation to Merzenich and optimization

AES’s plans call for more space. The move to the factory building in Merzenich enables AES to better optimize and set up several test systems.


Further development to fully continuous FLUKS

The semi-continuous system was developed into a fully continuous system. Efficiency and throughput have been successfully increased. The system is ready for industrial use.


Commissioning of the first industrial plant

AES’s system concept is convincing and two systems are put into operation. AES also wins the Digiress II funding call and is thus able to further strengthen its research and development.


Construction of the first plant park

AES is looking for new investors in a seed round to build large industrial plants.


Construction of the first plant park

The plan for the next two years is in place. A fully continuous plant is to save 1,000 tons of plastic waste from incineration and produce high-quality recycled oil.